
Posts Tagged ‘gratitude’

Last week we shared the story of a whale rescue. We heard about it from a friend, and it was taken from an article in the San Fransisco chronicle that shows how animals are more like people than we generally think.

For thousands of years the Native peoples of the America’s have always known that animals have thier own spirits/souls. We shared this article with you as a perfect example of how another living being, not human, can show that they are grateful.

Take a moment to think back on your own life and reflect on a time, when you truly felt that an animal was showing a ‘human’ emotion. We have been blessed to share our journey with many ‘pets’ who have been a part of our family. There are so many ways that we’ve seen them show their love and appreciation.

This is why when Native people say prayers or do ceremonies, we pay respect or give thanks to all living things, plant, animal, earth. It is the basic acknowledgement that humans are not above the Earth and nature, but are a small part of it. We are all related.

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Since the beginning of time, all things in the natural world have upheld their responsibilities. As we look around, we can see this. Every morning the sun rises to warm all things on this Earth, that it may grow. Every evening our Grandmother Moon rises, and controls the ebb and flow of all the water, including our own. And the stars twinkle in the darkness so we may never lose our way.

Even in the heart of a concrete jungle, the little birds sing so sweetly so that we may be encouraged to go on. And since the beginning of time, we have never needed to go anywhere else for everything that we need. Right here, on our Mother Earth, we have been given food, shelter, clothing, medicine and tools that we may survive and live well. We are blessed.

So today, and every day, we are thankful for this land, for all our relatives and we ask forgiveness for the harm we have done. We express our deepest gratitude for all that is given. The Earth is our Mother…care for her.

Miigwetch (all that is given I hold in the highest regard).

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Who are these people? That’s a question we saw floating around the ‘net about us today. Kind of made us smile…

That’s the best thing about being young. Not just young, even young at heart. There’s a natural sense of wonder…curiousity…that always pulls you forward. That’s a beautiful thing. It’s what we love most about being around children. They’re not afraid to just ask you straight up – there’s no pretense to it. Gotta love that!

It’s gotten really hard to trust that people are real today. There’s so many people pretending to be someone or something they’re not, just so they can feel like they “fit” somewhere. We knew a guy who created a whole “alter ego” on the internet. Like who he was just wasn’t good enough. That’s pretty sad. Mother Theresa once said, “The greatest disease on the planet is loneliness.”

And there have been many who have taken what doesn’t belong to them. There’s alot of unresolved grief from that. That kind of hurt takes a long time to heal. And it’s hard to heal a wound that keeps getting scratched open over and over again.

We are so blessed. We have the support of our family and in our culture, that’s so important. Wherever we go, before we speak we lay down a hand woven rug we were gifted from our clan matriarch, Akwagiishnaquay (Robert’s mother). She gave us permission to go out and speak about the things we share…and she told us to take that rug and stand on it, so that no matter where we are we will always know that we are not alone, that we are being held up by our family and our ancestors. Niishin…it is good!

So if you’re wondering about who we are and where we’re coming from (aniin di wayn jih bayan), we welcome you to come on in.  This internet “technology” is pretty new to us, so please be patient. We are doing the best that we can. From the generosity of others, we’ve had a site up for many years, but only recently started sending out messages and connecting with the world this way. But we’ve been walking this road for a long, long time – and we are grateful to our elders who have given us permission to share their wisdom with the world. Miigwech (Thank you)

Nin dinaway maganug (To All My Relations) Gigawaabamin miinawa (See you later)

PS (our friends call us “Trees”)


“Teach us love, compassion and honor…that we may heal the Earth and heal each other.” ` Ojibwe prayer

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