
Archive for December 20th, 2008


Friends of Pine Ridge Reservation is made up of individuals from across the globe who are interested in lending a hand to many reservation organizations in need.

Pine Ridge Reservation, located in South Dakota, is home to the Oglala Sioux Tribe and is 2,000,000 acres large with an estimated population of close to 40,000. The reservation is large, and its needs immense, so it would be impossible for us to help individuals or individual families and do so equitably.

For this reason, they send donations only to those organized entities on the reservation that in turn serve many others, such as the battered women’s shelter, rehab centers, youth facilities, foster care agencies, medical clinics, schools, etc. Your donations can take many forms–clothing, school supplies, sewing supplies, needlecraft arts supplies, toiletries, Christmas gifts, bed sheets, bath towels, coats, hats, scarves, toiletries, books, office supplies, sporting equipment, arts and craft supplies, baby supplies and various other items.

To help go to www.friendsofpineridgereservation.org.

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